1. Copy the FrameMaker 4 folder from the CD to your hard disk.
Inside the folder you'll find FrameMaker4PowerMacintosh.sea, a self-expanding archive
that contains all application and document files in a compressed form.
2. Double click the FrameMaker4 icon to expand the FrameMaker 4
application and document files.
3. When all files are expanded, double click the FrameMaker 4 icon to launch
4. When the registration screen appears, select Demonstration Version and click OK.
For additional last-minute tips and information, open the online Release Notes document after you have successfully installed FrameMaker 4.
If your Macintosh computer uses software that automatically checks for viruses, please disable the software prior to installing FrameMaker 4.
If you are upgrading from a version of FrameMaker 4 for Macintosh (68K series CPU) to FrameMaker 4 for Power Macintosh, be sure to replace the Professional Color Toolkit control panel in your System Folder with the new version of the control panel supplied in this release (System Extras folder). Failure to install the new version of the control panel may cause FrameMaker 4 to quit unexpectedly.
If you install the XTND Translators, you must also install the XTND Power Enabler. Failure to install the XTND Power Enabler will prevent the XTND Translators from working properly. To install the XTND Power Enabler, locate its icon in the System Extras folder, and then drag the XTND Power Enabler icon into the Extensions folder in your System Folder.
==============> FrameMaker® 4 for Macintosh <==============
On this CD you will find a demonstration version of FrameMaker 4 for Macintosh.
We invite you to explore the rich publishing capabilities of FrameMaker 4. You'll see why thousands of publishing professionals have chosen FrameMaker as the publishing standard for their business.
FrameMaker 4 provides a complete solution for documents ranging from simple 1-page memos to complex multi-volume documents and books. FrameMaker's advanced publishing model provides significant advantages over the multi-step word processing/page layout DTP model so many users and organizations are now outgrowing.
FrameMaker 4 features:
• Robust writing, drawing, and publishing capabilities such as:
- Complete word processing and page layout in a seamless single application
- Robust table editor with automatic page-breaking headers and footers;
table styles that define borders, ruling, and shading
- Object-oriented drawing tools
- Complete math equations editor
- Display math equations using the Graphing Calculator
- Full color support (CMYK, PANTONE®, RGB, and HLS color models)
- Rich button-bar for easy access to commonly used features
- Support for portrait and landscape pages in a single document
- Context sensitive, on-line help
- Automatic generation of hypertext links
• Long document authoring tools such as:
- Intuitive book metaphor for managing documents that contain
multiple chapters
- Automatic table of contents and index generation that maintain
your formatting instructions for easy updates
- Automatic user-defined multi-level numbering for chapters,
sections, headings, lists, illustrations and other items
- Automatic creation and maintenance of multi-document cross references
- Document comparison reports to track document changes and editions
• An open, extensible architecture that:
- Allows external applications to integrate such capabilities as
database publishing or document management to your FrameMaker
- Permits the user interface to be customized to meet the special
requirements of a wide range of users
- Permits customization of the standard, professionally-designed templates
that get you started publishing documents from a memo or fax to a
thousand-page book
- Includes a complete hypertext navigation command set for creating online
documents for electronic distribution
• Support for enterprise-wide publishing:
- Cross-platform support: exactly the same documents can be shared
with other FrameMaker users on 68K-based Macintosh, MS Windows,
and all leading UNIX workstations
- A complete set of graphics and text import and export filters
• The ideal solution for electronic publishing:
- FrameViewer 4, an on-line viewing product, enables electronic
distribution, navigation and printing of FrameMaker documents
Try FrameMaker 4 and see for yourself.
====================== Product Information ======================
FrameMaker 4 is available on 3 1/2" disks or on CD-ROM.
In addition to FrameMaker, you'll receive bonus software on the CD-ROM:
• FrameViewer--the companion product to FrameMaker for electronic
viewing and distributing of FrameMaker documents
• International spelling and hyphenation for17 languages
• Sample clip art fom Dream Maker Software
• And more
Localized versions of FrameMaker are now available in French, German,
and Swedish.
====================== System Configuration =====================
Recommended Power Macintosh System Configuration
• A Power Macintosh computer
• 16MB of RAM
• 18MB of free hard disk space
• Macintosh system software version 7.1.2 or later
• Full-page or two-page display
• Adobe PostScript printer
• Adobe Type Manager (ATM) or SuperATM software
Minimum Power Macintosh System Configuration
• A Power Macintosh computer
• 8MB of RAM with virtual memory turned on
• 8MB of free hard disk space
• Macintosh system software version 7.1.2 or later
• A Macintosh-compatible printer
68K Macintosh System Configuration
• A Macintosh with 69020 processor or better
• 5 MB of memory (8MB recommended)
• System 6.07 (System 7 recommended)
• A Macintosh-compatible printer (Adobe PostScript recommended)
To explore FrameMaker's rich publishing capabilities, we recommend that you use the demonstration files included on this CD. Before you begin, you should print a copy of the Demo.Script document to guide you through the FrameMaker 4 demonstration.
To print a copy of the demo script:
1. Launch FrameMaker from your hard disk.
2. From the File menu choose Open and select the Demo folder in your
FrameMaker directory.
3. In the file browser, select the file Demo.Script and click Open.
4. To print a hard copy of the script, select Print from the File menu.
You are now ready to use and explore the enclosed FrameMaker demonstration files.
============ For More Information Call 1-(800) U4-FRAME ===========
For purchase information or information on how to upgrade from previous versions of FrameMaker, please call 1-(800) U4-FRAME.
We’ll be happy to provide you with product information as well as additional information on all Frame products for Macintosh, Windows, and UNIX systems; please call 1-(800) U4-FRAME.
For more information on database publishing and how BrioPublish, a database publishing tool for FrameMaker 4, can help you increase your productivity, please call Brio Technology at 1 (800) 486-BRIO.
Customers in the U.S. and Canada:
Frame Technology Corporation
333 West San Carlos Street
San Jose, CA 95110
Tel.: (408) 975-6000
Fax: (408) 975-6799
Frame Technology online services:
Frame BigMac BBS: (408) 975-6738
CompuServe: GO DTPVEND (Section 12 of DTP Vendors Forum)
FrameFacts FAX system: (408) 975-6731
Internet: comments@frame.com
Customers in other countries, please contact:
Frame Technology International Ltd.
Unit 52, Airways Industrial Estate
Cloghran, Dublin 17
Tel.: +353 1 8429 566
Fax: +353 1 8429 478
Frame Technology, FrameMaker, FrameViewer, and Frame are registered trademarks of Frame Technology Corporation.